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Are You Ready to Converge?

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As we look ahead to a year in which the only constant is change, bringing together generations, ideas, and purposeful places will be a powerful accelerator for organizations who are looking to create a competitive advantage and transform occupants into advocates. Together, we must be committed to delivering places with this impact. That is the underlying tenet of our guiding principle for 2025 – Convergence.

In meteorology, Convergence describes the collision of winds from opposite directions, leading to distinctive conditions. In our work, it can sometimes feel like trying to direct the wind. But if we intentionally curate the right kind of conditions, our organizations can confidently navigate shifts in generational leadership, rapidly evolving technologies, and higher user (humans) expectations to support well-being. Convergence is the purposeful intersection of people and technologies with obstacles and habits. It is not one element, but many, resulting in unity between people, place, and intent.


We are far from a “business as usual” environment. With the degree and pace of change in our world ever-increasing, leaders must address the full spectrum of the industry’s most prevalent challenges or risk everything – your people, your productivity, and your reputation – all elements addressed through a holistic and Convergent approach. Here are the five most important focus areas we will cover this year to help leaders achieve their workplace goals:

5 workplace goals - Agile Space Design - Utilization Analysis - Spontaneous Interaction Spaces - Employee Well-Being - Future-Focus Planning

Keep reading to learn about the market influences we are watching this year.  


A new generation of leaders will prioritize – and even require – value–driven spaces that make face–to–face interaction the norm, if not the primary reason for having an office. With 2025 looking to be a pivotal year for these leaders, Convergence can potentially offset The Great Detachment and lead to the collisions of people and ideas needed to instill workplace harmony. Designing to encourage interaction will help overcome team siloing, create a stronger sense of belonging, and reinforce an organization’s purpose. Imagine a world in which we have workplace harmony!

Real estate vacancies provide another opportunity for organizations primed for change. As vacancy rates remain high at 20.1%, organizations have an abundance of opportunity to find the right space for their unique needs. In particular, the U.S. is poised to continue leading as a destination for foreign investment, with reshoring trends and manufacturing projects driving economic growth. As leaders embrace these new opportunities, it is important to keep in mind that talent has more choice than before, and they are seeking more purpose behind working in an office. I see a greater demand for thoughtful, strategic workplace solutions and designs as more businesses establish or grow their presence. So, what does this all mean?

With major corporations requiring employees to be in-office at least three – if not five – days per week, we, as leaders, must accommodate more styles of work than ever before. People demand flexibility and spaces that support the value of face-to-face interaction, and by supporting these needs, leaders can begin to bridge the gap between the needs and expectations of their people.

Such a significant call for transformation has inspired us to think bigger, act bolder, and deepen our commitment to creating memorable experiences.


2025 will be a year of plentiful opportunity if leaders rise to the challenge. As new generations, technologies, and workstyles come together, it is time to ask ourselves if we are content to continue pursuing uninformed and incomplete fixes, or are we ready to create exceptional experiences?

Together, we can embrace Convergence to craft impactful environments that tell your organization’s story, strategically align with your goals, and create better futures for our people. I eagerly look forward to writing the next chapter of design with you!

I eagerly look forward to writing the next chapter of design with you.
Reach out to make 2025 your best year.

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Lauri Goodman Lampson
President + CEO

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